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Mudah terbakar:Natrium dithionite adalah item mudah terbakar kelas pertama apabila basah mengikut piawaian kebangsaan. It will react violently when it comes into contact with water, producing flammable gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and releasing a large amount of heat. Persamaan tindak balas ialah: 2NA2S2O4+2H2O+O2 = 4NAHSO3, dan produknya bertindak balas untuk menghasilkan hidrogen sulfida dan sulfur dioksida. Natrium dithionite mempunyai keadaan valensi perantaraan sulfur, dan sifat kimianya tidak stabil. Ia menunjukkan sifat pengurangan yang kuat. When it encounters strong oxidizing acids, such as sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other strong acids, the two will undergo a redox reaction, and the reaction is violent, releasing a large amount of heat and toxic substances. Persamaan tindak balasnya ialah: 2NA2S2O4+4HCL = 2H2S2O4+4NACL
Masa Post: Okt-21-2024